Evidence Reviews

Appraising the latest evidence to inform your commissioning decisions

Decision makers need the best evidence available when planning future healthcare services and the treatments offered to people. There are a number of ways of compiling the evidence and SPH has developed a robust, defensible methodology for providing rapid evidence reviews for local and national clients.

Our process

We follow a clear protocol – developed in-house or provided by the client.  This may include;

  • Developing ethical frameworks for decision-making which will withstand judicial review
  • Framing and scoping an appropriate question to be addressed with the client to provide precise and robust answers to commissioning or providing issues
  • Defining the population, intervention, comparator and outcome (PICO) to structure the evidence review
  • Setting up the search strategy and initiating the search, and assessing the evidence identified to establish its relevance to the review
  • Synthesising and critically appraising the evidence for specific interventions as well as whole care pathways
  • Summarising the strength of the evidence available, appraising the methodology, level of evidence, statistical and clinical significance and limitations of the evidence
  • A structured internal quality assurance process for each review
  • Consultation process with external stakeholders
  • Presentation of finalised evidence review to clients
  • Defending reviews against potential challenge where necessary and appropriate
  • Development of policy emerging from the evidence review
  • Training sessions in evidence-based decision making for stakeholders

Why choose SPH?

We are a long-standing provider of rapid evidence reviews for local and national clients. Over the years we have undertaken hundreds of rapid evidence reviews and have successfully defended decisions based on our evidence at judicial review. We have a strong team of experienced reviewers within SPH and can call on further expert capacity from our extensive pool of associates. Please get in touch via our contact page.

Case Studies

Evidence based case studies on reducing cardiovascular disease

We developed evidence-based case studies about programmes to reduce cardiovascular disease for Public Health England and the British Heart Foundation, by identifying successful initiatives worldwide. Programmes to identify and manage people at high risk of CVD were identified and their approach and research outcomes were assessed for relevance and applicability to a UK setting. Ten programmes were selected and a combination of methods used to collate information about the programmes including appraising published peer reviewed and grey literature and interviews with the research leads. The dynamic health systems framework was used to organise the relevant information into a case study template. SPH prepared a report, standalone case studies, presented a poster of the work at two conferences and worked with PHE to write a blog and article for dissemination. International Cardiovascular Disease Prevention case studies

Supporting General Practice to manage lipids according to the NICE-approved lipid management pathway

The updated NICE-approved lipid management pathway was published in December 2021 (and has been updated again since). New NHS England service requirements for Primary Care Networks for the management of lipids and identification of familial hypercholesterolaemia came into effect, reflecting the updated NICE guidance. Eastern AHSN (Academic Health Science Network) is responsible for supporting the adoption of the updated lipid management pathway across the East of England. The AHSN commissioned SPH to carry out a survey of General Practices in the region to help understand and develop future support for practices. Alongside this, Eastern AHSN commissioned SPH to produce an evidence map identifying published evidence about the effectiveness of tools that assist in lipid management and familial hypercholesterolaemia identification. You can read the reports here: